1st Round of Ribs on DIY Smoker

1st Round of Ribs on DIY Smoker

First ribs on an incomplete electric smoker but complete enough to test. I am excited because no worries about a store bought electric smoker catching fire again and I don’t have to tend to a fire I don’t have time for.

Texan Swedish Meatballs

Texan Swedish Meatballs

Don’t know what’s in a true Swedish meatball but I’m filing them under Swede. The gravy is pretty close to Swedish, I think… If you’re Texan and got outa state guest yer gonna have to pull out the Texas pasta or it’s Texas pride abuse. State Law

Pork Stuffed Pork Loin

Pork Stuffed Pork Loin

Decided to roll a loin with a stuffing I’ve been rolling around in my head in an effort to finish out another recipe. I smoked this one lightly but it’s not necessary I was really also seasoning a new smoker…

Smoked Sow Shoulder

Smoked Sow Shoulder

Been playing around with smoking pork (mostly ribs) different ways for testing product and to beat on chest, at home, alone… My chest hurts. This is a loooong smoke on my DIY electric smoker because it’s so nerded out

Wicked Potato Salad

Wicked Potato Salad

This is a wetter salad and doesn’t contain mustard. It’s great, easy, and ranks high, may be my new normal.

Mahgahsagna – Mangia Mangia Lasagna

Mahgahsagna – Mangia Mangia Lasagna

This is a less complex lasagna that’s a little pricey on the front but makes a lot of leftovers. One of my 1st recipes when I moved outa Mama’s house. Sweltering with cheese perfectly paired beef and pork masterpiece. Simple delicious day one and better on day two.

Crock pot Pork Roast

Crock pot Pork Roast

I’m not a big fan of smoking pork butt. I can’t seem to sync a solid recipe that guarantees moist and tender. For whatever reason, I once again picked up a pork butt

Brisket Sausage Sandwich

Brisket Sausage Sandwich

If you don’t have a smoker nor time to tend to it then no worries you can bake briskets too. The only difference is it’s not smokey. The sausage was my favorite in the sausage section just cooked in pan prior to the sandwich build. Pretty wicked combo I’ve seen but never tried.

Sowflakes Candied Bacon

Sowflakes Candied Bacon

Candied bacon using Sowflakes. There are a couple ways to go about this recipe involving thick or thin bacon. Certain brands of bacon contain more salt so coating both sides of the bacon would over salt the candied bacon. I prefer

Sowflakes Smoked Ribs

Sowflakes Smoked Ribs

Tend to screw around a lot with smoking pork ribs. The benefit is awesome slightly different dinner from last time. The liability is I have to eat it if it turns south. These ribs turned out Saintly!

Corn Confetti Salad

Corn Confetti Salad

This is a great trick to make a basic corn side into a full flavored masterpiece. It’s not at all like Cornsuello and I’d say just a delicious depending on your mood.

Baked Potato Salad

Baked Potato Salad

This potato salad was a side dish from my last smoked brisked that I thought it needed a home. Thankfully, I kept notes while making it because it’s a Super simple.

Eleven Egg Ultimate Breakfast Lasagna

Eleven Egg Ultimate Breakfast Lasagna

Went to our FB page to see what I’ve auto-posted to get a little kick in the pants for dinner. I don’t know the amounts the video recipe used, but I feel I pegged it.

Smoke’n Ribs Practice

Smoke’n Ribs Practice

Was doing a test with Dawgs Bark and pork baby backs. There is at least one other recipe on here for smoked ribs that was likely seasoned and cooked differently. Both recipes are great and I’d say the main difference is I used

Tater Tot Casserole

Tater Tot Casserole

Another tater tot casserole that turned out pretty good. I often wonder how many times the Classic Tater Tot Casserole got tricked out after Jim Bob Duggar bragged about it on national TV.

Spaghetti and Meatballs Flashy Ones

Spaghetti and Meatballs Flashy Ones

The original dinner was going to be a meatloaf but things changed from the grocery to home. They came out great and I can’t say I’ve ever cooked a meatball so blingy.

Texas Butter Beans

Texas Butter Beans

Excellent Texas butter beans recipe I’m sure you’ll love. There’s no Texas magical ingredient making a butter bean a “Texas butter bean”. Dry bean recipes in Texas kind of lay along the lines of gumbo meaning use whatcha got. Ever heard “everything is bigger in Texas”?

Smoked Pork Shoulder, That’s a Wrap

Smoked Pork Shoulder, That’s a Wrap

Won’t know until the party but a piece fell off mid stroke and I bout had one. I usually only inject birds and likely added an amendment to pork shoulder as a Texas Butter state law.

Pinto Beans, Just Add Rice

Pinto Beans, Just Add Rice

A simple framework for some pintos you can trick out into borracho beans or as is. I use this base for red and butter beans. Hell, you could use almost any bean…

Penne Lover

Penne Lover

My Great Grandmother proly wouldn’t approve a lot of my Italian recipes because I jam them with cheese and garlic. A meaty, cheesy penne pasta life’s natural sleeping pill.