Grilled Chicken and Andouille Jambalaya

Grilled Chicken and Andouille Jambalaya

Super good Jambalaya packed with trinity mainly onion, its flavor is awesome in here. I sliced the andouille long ways into 4 strips then cut cross ways matter fact, did the same to the celery. Cut them how you want I’m not gonna be there. I grilled the chicken tenders which gave a nice

Grilled Chicken Tetrazzini

Grilled Chicken Tetrazzini

Not going to call the rest of this recipe Chicken Tetrazzini because I already know I’ll be spell check’n tetrazzini throughout… This is a fantastic twist on Yard Bird Sketti I knew would be a IMO 4 but when tasted it

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Pepperoni Pinwheels

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Pepperoni Pinwheels

These turned out a lot better than I thought they would and pretty easy as far as getting dinner done. Sort of a pain cutting the chicken breast so thin especially if you don’t have a slicer.

Grilled Chicken Enchiladas

Grilled Chicken Enchiladas

This is pretty similar to the last Chicken Enchiladas recipe on here with a couple hop-ups and speed in mind. Instead of making the verde sauce I bought mine. Verde sauce is really done one way unless you are on a quest to make

Baked Chicken Drumsticks

Baked Chicken Drumsticks

Since Biddy was born I haven’t seen fried berd for a while. Very easy cheap dinner with a little planning it was all baked together except for the pineapple.

Whole Smoked Chicken

Whole Smoked Chicken

Whole smoked chicken beer can style using concentrated lemonade and brine’d about 2 hours. You can use any liquid in the can lime, orange, cranberry, spices etc. Whatever I’m using in the can or stuffing in the cavity I over pack it to make sure the meat catches the flavor

Chicken Parmigiana

Chicken Parmigiana

Classic homemade chicken parmigiana pretty easy to knock out. Cheese crust you can feel in the bite of the tender brined chicken. Over a bed of al dente angel hair pasta oh my…

Chicken -n- Waffles

Chicken -n- Waffles

I didn’t notice the Chicken and Waffles craze it until my late 30’s. This is my best Pepper Bee recipe to date. Will look to bang out more recipes soon. Very easy because I used high dollar frozen waffles.

Honey Spiked Chicken Wangs

Honey Spiked Chicken Wangs

I chose this dish out of my bucket 1st because it turned out right and I don’t do a lot of everyday cooking with PepperBee. The tater tots are just that with a redneck baychamell or whatever the hell it’s called. lol Lets go!

Cajun Chicken Melt

Cajun Chicken Melt

Have you ever cooked a chicken breast that turned out dry? Think most of us have and it’s my #1 reason to order dark meat at unknown joints. Today my friend is the day we aim to break grilled chicken dinner disasters.

Eggplant Chicken Tower

Eggplant Chicken Tower

Such a monstrosity I really don’t know what to call it. This is fried eggplant with a heavily parmigiana spiked batter stacked with quick brined grilled chicken along with mozzarella inserts. Made me dance so I figured I had better share.



These Chikaroni’s also came out tender, easy, and great. I IMO’ed it a 3 because I feel like others might like it more than me and it was very easy/quick. That chicken breast tho.

Texas Butter’s Turkeygasim

Texas Butter’s Turkeygasim

The 1st fried turkey I ever had I thought was the best turkey I ever had. This way flips that fry trick and this is easily done in the oven if you are smoker deficient. Not ready for the cranberry influx I decided to do a primer with Jesus seeds.