Cheddar and Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas
Cream and cheddar cheese filled enchiladas, roasted garlic and Anaheim pepper infused. These are on the outskirts of a true enchilada but rocked my mouth off.
Cream and cheddar cheese filled enchiladas, roasted garlic and Anaheim pepper infused. These are on the outskirts of a true enchilada but rocked my mouth off.
Went to our FB page to see what I’ve auto-posted to get a little kick in the pants for dinner. I don’t know the amounts the video recipe used, but I feel I pegged it.
A little different in the spice arena because, like brisket, it doesn’t require a myriad of spices. This corned brisket is smoked right, and there is no need to devalue the meat. The bark? I understand, it brings in extra flavors, but it also kicks the brisket north of the Red River (it ain’t Texas)
The rib roast is always a scary hunk of meat to cook because it likely cost more than what we want to pay. Most classic prime rib recipes cook at high heat (350 – 450) which sears the outside and leaves the interior, rare to medium rare on a good day.
I could of went to another grocery, but this one is the only one who makes true French bread as I know it. The whole recipe is more for the Swiss cheese sauce.
Was doing a test with Dawgs Bark and pork baby backs. There is at least one other recipe on here for smoked ribs that was likely seasoned and cooked differently. Both recipes are great and I’d say the main difference is I used
Great recipe with a little extra work ahead depending on if you’re making the ravioli. The sauce is hopped up with shrimp so it’s a little extra compared to a tomato cream sauce. There’s basically 3 ways to get ravioli on the plate: pre-made, pre-made pasta sheets, and you…
Chuck roast is an American family favorite because of low price and frankly taste. Well, smoke that sucker. Guarantee your chuck won’t be disrespected as the cheap guy.
I guess we could call this a lot of things but when we get right down to it, it’s delicious! Very easy to knock out in a matter of minutes.
Not as pretty as you but mighty fine in the chompers. It’s a mixed play off my Aunt Laura and Mom’s Jambalaya except they make a trinity. I don’t because my sister is vegetable intolerant. If you wanted a trinity chop it up and dump it in on the cooked sausage until translucent, then go to shrimp step.
Use what you have available but I promise beef cheek isn’t as gross as it sounds. Beef cheeks rich flavorful and tender taste will change your outlook for life.
I didn’t notice the Chicken and Waffles craze it until my late 30’s. This is my best Pepper Bee recipe to date. Will look to bang out more recipes soon. Very easy because I used high dollar frozen waffles.
Making hot roast beef sandwiches is easy and you can’t go wrong cooking the roast beef at the perfect low temperature. Whatever you dress the sandwich with is secondary to perfectly cooked roast beef. You can keep an oven’s temperature under control pretty easy but when you step into a 1000 gallon pit it’s a different set of rules.
Spicy tuna spiked with myriad of goodies so good it feels illegal. Normally I go with more mayonnaise but this time I choked back and relied on the olive oil not squeezed out packed in with the tuna.
Another tater tot casserole that turned out pretty good. I often wonder how many times the Classic Tater Tot Casserole got tricked out after Jim Bob Duggar bragged about it on national TV.
I chose this dish out of my bucket 1st because it turned out right and I don’t do a lot of everyday cooking with PepperBee. The tater tots are just that with a redneck baychamell or whatever the hell it’s called. lol Lets go!
I saw a Subway commercial and the rest of the day a sub was the focus. The meatballs are a little different than what my Grandmother made but pretty good and a nice twist
Just grilled fajitas, homemade tortillas, cheese and a shot of Irish Salsa. Irish Salsa is our problem child mostly
Probably my favorite steak is the flat iron or blade steak. This is left over blade steak we used Dawgs Bark on as a seasoning. The inspiration for these steak baguettes was for testing our other seasoning Cluck.
This salad is straightforward to make and open for more ingredients you’d like to add. This salad doesn’t have it, but I usually will cook a can of Ranch style beans in the taco meat.
Chicken tenders wrapped in bacon accompanied with an avocado dip that surprised us all.
No doubt different regions in Texas plus the Mother who made your King Ranch isn’t exactly etched in stone.
Have you ever cooked a chicken breast that turned out dry? Think most of us have and it’s my #1 reason to order dark meat at unknown joints. Today my friend is the day we aim to break grilled chicken dinner disasters.
One of our premier spots in Houston to get decadent unchallenged fajitas is Pappasito’s. I don’t know how they do it but I always aim for that bar when making relations with a fajita. Anyways, before I jabber about my history of the fajita, they were always
Shrimp Creole with a slight twist packed with fresh Gulf Coast shrimp. Throughout the south roux’s go from light to dark all being the best depending on what family member you’re talking to…. but this is not Gumbo.
Made a nice little cranberry sauce to fit my grilled pork tenderloin and thought it’d be a good time to get it out. After Thanksgiving but before Christmas…
I used to get Singapore noodles at a buffet for years when I lived at my other place but, The Oriental Gourmet closed and I was left in the cold. This recipe was made to match OG’s way. I do not know the official way to sling Singapore noodles, but the results from this recipe are spot on with my buffett favorite therefore providing you with a quick, simply delicious Asian style meal.
Pretty good, If you notice in the pic I left the heads and tails on. Next time the heads and tails gotta go. I don’t care how pretty it is because it’s a not pretty getting them off at the end. Anyways, these Spanish Flies are based on next time without heads or tails.
If you’re Texan it’s a replacement to chips and salsa we use to judge TexMex joints. Texas Roadhouse cinnamon butter seems to have less sugar than one may want, it’s a tease of what’s to come. Even this recipe may have a frogs hair too much cinnamon but it’s still hella good!
Crispy fish tacos enhance the delicious delicate flavors from the fish. Soft corn tortillas tastes like raw grits. I never say “I’ll have what she’s having” if she’s ordered the fish tacos…
This is the way I bang out briskets. There’s so many smoked brisket recipes I just stick to what I know tastes good when guests are involved. This probably isn’t competition legal but it’s the law here. Back in the day a pitmasters thermometer was his hand a his proof of concept was the line waiting to get some. A pitmaster didn’t know he was one and
Simple clean Cajun fish sandwich named after Blackbeard because. Pirates didn’t use fryers on the ship. I mean, can you imagine the on the job injuries with fryers sloshing hot grease all over the damn deck? Insurance would skyrocket…
The original dinner was going to be a meatloaf but things changed from the grocery to home. They came out great and I can’t say I’ve ever cooked a meatball so blingy.
Grilled Flat Iron is generally very tender and reminds me of tenderloin. Pick one where the fat is marbled through out the meat to avoid the thick membrane.
Such a monstrosity I really don’t know what to call it. This is fried eggplant with a heavily parmigiana spiked batter stacked with quick brined grilled chicken along with mozzarella inserts. Made me dance so I figured I had better share.
Excellent Texas butter beans recipe I’m sure you’ll love. There’s no Texas magical ingredient making a butter bean a “Texas butter bean”. Dry bean recipes in Texas kind of lay along the lines of gumbo meaning use whatcha got. Ever heard “everything is bigger in Texas”?
These Chikaroni’s also came out tender, easy, and great. I IMO’ed it a 3 because I feel like others might like it more than me and it was very easy/quick. That chicken breast tho.
Texas chili doesn’t have beans, but that doesn’t mean you can’t a-la-cart them. Well, have I got a solution for you and you can call it
Bacon wrapped shrimp as a sweet little Asian dish for a pure light, quick evening cook. It’s a lot like stir fry except the only real difference is that I made it all on the grill. Used a store-bought sweet and sour sauce.
Warm, rich tuna tetrazzini comfort food made easy. Come on in and go ahead and get ya oven cranked up to 350 degrees.
Won’t know until the party but a piece fell off mid stroke and I bout had one. I usually only inject birds and likely added an amendment to pork shoulder as a Texas Butter state law.
A simple framework for some pintos you can trick out into borracho beans or as is. I use this base for red and butter beans. Hell, you could use almost any bean…
My Great Grandmother proly wouldn’t approve a lot of my Italian recipes because I jam them with cheese and garlic. A meaty, cheesy penne pasta life’s natural sleeping pill.
The 1st fried turkey I ever had I thought was the best turkey I ever had. This way flips that fry trick and this is easily done in the oven if you are smoker deficient. Not ready for the cranberry influx I decided to do a primer with Jesus seeds.
Super good Jambalaya packed with trinity mainly onion, its flavor is awesome in here. I sliced the andouille long ways into 4 strips then cut cross ways matter fact, did the same to the celery. Cut them how you want I’m not gonna be there. I grilled the chicken tenders which gave a nice
First ribs on an incomplete electric smoker but complete enough to test. I am excited because no worries about a store bought electric smoker catching fire again and I don’t have to tend to a fire I don’t have time for.
Don’t know what’s in a true Swedish meatball but I’m filing them under Swede. The gravy is pretty close to Swedish, I think… If you’re Texan and got outa state guest yer gonna have to pull out the Texas pasta or it’s Texas pride abuse. State Law
Taco casseroles are pretty close to my number one for slop food. This is a low hanging branch of King Ranch Chicken (beef) a common Tex-Mex dish…
Decided to roll a loin with a stuffing I’ve been rolling around in my head in an effort to finish out another recipe. I smoked this one lightly but it’s not necessary I was really also seasoning a new smoker…
This isn’t a chicken salad sammie built with losing weight in mind. Actually, none of these recipes are.
Been playing around with smoking pork (mostly ribs) different ways for testing product and to beat on chest, at home, alone… My chest hurts. This is a loooong smoke on my DIY electric smoker because it’s so nerded out
Made some enchiladas the other night that had great flavor but could use an extra tweak. Sometimes I do get tired of the sauces and this was the night I was refusing them.
Another way to make some shrimp and grits different from the other one I did. Don’t remember how I did them but they were awesome. Well, these may be awesomer. They are awesomer in prep work that’s for sure.
Not going to call the rest of this recipe Chicken Tetrazzini because I already know I’ll be spell check’n tetrazzini throughout… This is a fantastic twist on Yard Bird Sketti I knew would be a IMO 4 but when tasted it
Easy to knock out and depending on the head count of your herd, plenty leftover to freeze or make some sandwiches. I like Prego gravy in a pinch but whatever you dig go with that one.
Yup, quick anytime homemade stuffed steak crescents. Always pinching the dough ends tightly to make sure nothing got out, but it always did. I went on the wild side with these and just rolled the damn things.
Wasn’t going to post this one, it was good, just felt like it was a lot of work. It’s been in 2 more feedings since then, and all I can say is ewweee that was good!
This is a wetter salad and doesn’t contain mustard. It’s great, easy, and ranks high, may be my new normal.
These turned out a lot better than I thought they would and pretty easy as far as getting dinner done. Sort of a pain cutting the chicken breast so thin especially if you don’t have a slicer.
Don’t use tomatoes in gumbo as a preference and in general, think it pulls the dish over to a Shrimp Creole. You can add or subtract what you like.
This an old school thing easy to build and somewhat cheap depending on stuff you might want to add. I almost never make this the same as the last but the frame remains the same.
Sort of a kitchen sink dinner it turned out better than expected. It’s a cross of Alfredo sauce and regular ole garlic butter sauce, but you won’t have much sauce at all when done. Small pot, large pan, and a plate yer good to go.
Playing around with a new sauce while at grocery I noticed my seafood racketeer still had lobster on the cheap other wise these are usually done with lump blue crab.
Really good steak sliders with just a few basic ingredients one being some excellent cheese. Next to it was a thick cut shredded cheddar by Tillamook. I’ve had it before but never realized how much better it is among the affordable cheese section.
These jumbo grilled Gulf Coast shrimp turned out mighty fine and very simple to cook. If you can’t find head-on shrimp or gulf shrimp it’s fine to use what’s available. Honestly, it’s a cleaner eating experience removing heads and tails when shelling.
These taco dogs were fantastic and similar to some dogs made a few weeks ago. Didn’t use our suggested amount of Taco Dust which confirmed the minimum amount suggested for one pound of beef is a ¼ cup. Either way, it’s gonna be messy cause queso ain’t containable.
Mango’s are already tasty around here and pretty easy to pick out the goods ones. I’m not a fan of frying because of the cleanup but when it happens it’s usually done with a tempura style batter tweaked with our typical twist.
This is pretty similar to the last Chicken Enchiladas recipe on here with a couple hop-ups and speed in mind. Instead of making the verde sauce I bought mine. Verde sauce is really done one way unless you are on a quest to make
Shrimp and fajitas wrapped in bacon and tropicaltized? I’m in! Will lay this build out in one because you’ll be going from sauce to sticks back to sauce and all at same time at times. Not hard, hardest part is building sticks. Anyways, pineapple will tenderize fajita meat like..
Remember the days of a simple roast beef dinner? This recipe mimics what came out of our cafeterias back then. No pressed meats just whole foods now considered comfort food.
This is a less complex lasagna that’s a little pricey on the front but makes a lot of leftovers. One of my 1st recipes when I moved outa Mama’s house. Sweltering with cheese perfectly paired beef and pork masterpiece. Simple delicious day one and better on day two.
Hearty burgers with melted Colby, bacon, mayonnaise, and grilled onions. I know what love is…
The creamy white sauce is a little different from Parmigiano typically used in alfredo sauces. Used Oaxaca cheese, browned garlic, and shrimp pieces as a part of it. I usually never veer from parm but did this time, and it worked out great. If you don’t have access to Oaxaca cheese
I don’t what to say, I know, they look like crap. The Swiss cheese and bacon tied the mess together.
Three cheese pasta shells and some shrimp love turned out pretty good. It’s a crappy pic but worth the labor. Chicken (cooked) substituted for the shrimp would turn out mighty fine.
Nice white sauce a little different from Parmigiano typically used in Alfredo sauces. Used Oaxaca cheese, browned garlic, and shrimp pieces as a part of it. I usually never veer from parm but did this time and it worked out great.
These nachos beat any drive through and the big plus was they weren’t soggy from a drive home. Thick queso that was mixed with Taco Dust uploaded to ground beef. It played a big part in my h*ll yeah moment.
Whatever reason my crab dealer didn’t have pealed crab in stock. Suspect it’s a seasonal thing but looking around their stash I noticed “lobster head” meat. It was pretty cheap at about 6 bucks + for approximately 2 cups.
Since Biddy was born I haven’t seen fried berd for a while. Very easy cheap dinner with a little planning it was all baked together except for the pineapple.
I get excited when I see a drive-thru joint advertising fried potatoes covered in stuff usually cheese. The problem is when you get it home it doesn’t look like the picture. In my never-ending quest to
A favorite all time burger of mine but I have to admit this one was too big. You see a lot of huge burgers on Instagram and I let it go to my head. Although a great burger, I like a burger I can control with one hand.
I’m not a big fan of smoking pork butt. I can’t seem to sync a solid recipe that guarantees moist and tender. For whatever reason, I once again picked up a pork butt
If you don’t have a smoker nor time to tend to it then no worries you can bake briskets too. The only difference is it’s not smokey. The sausage was my favorite in the sausage section just cooked in pan prior to the sandwich build. Pretty wicked combo I’ve seen but never tried.
A favorite and alternative to nachos are these versatile little morsels of love. This recipe takes some planning if you don’t have cooked brisket lying around. I did
This is a big flavorful meatball I made being lazy not wanting to make 20, so I only had to ball up 4.
My bud Corkey made me these one day, and it instantly turned into my favorite hot dog. This was done with deer chili and deer links but since people including me don’t always have venison laying around consider other ingredients
This is a typical hamburger pan fried with Smoked on top to bring the outside in.
This is an American version of barbacoa made with chuck roast.
Grilled flank steak or blade steak cooked blue, one step colder than medium rare.
One night using eggs, tater tots, bacon, and queso. It came out really good so we wanted to make sure and share this with you.
Put soft side in mouth enough to grab stuffing, slightly clamp your corn teeth, and pull leaf out effectively leaving a cleaned leaf.
This recipe is a side dish or dip that is tweakable til ya can’t tweak anymore. Full of textures and flavor I decided it needed its own home. I usually use purple for color and taste, but at this time of year, they are about like
Candied bacon using Sowflakes. There are a couple ways to go about this recipe involving thick or thin bacon. Certain brands of bacon contain more salt so coating both sides of the bacon would over salt the candied bacon. I prefer
This is a pulled pork sandwich made with our seasoning Biddy and soaked in RUST. Topped with a simple blue cheese dressing and fries on the side.
Queso dip recipe to show measurements and uses for Taco Dust.
Whole smoked chicken beer can style using concentrated lemonade and brine’d about 2 hours. You can use any liquid in the can lime, orange, cranberry, spices etc. Whatever I’m using in the can or stuffing in the cavity I over pack it to make sure the meat catches the flavor
Fried shrimps haven’t been my thing for 40+ years because when I was knee high to a snakes ass I caught the flu after I ate them. I don’t know if that’s an old wives’ tale but I went strictly boiled shrimp after that. Anyways
What the hell is this? My friend this is a base I use for a lot of side dishes. It’s like a trinity but not. Once the Texas Chum is rock’n the sky’s the limit. You can build the perfect side from greens to pinto beans.
This brisket was done at target ozone temp 220. What that does it prolong the cook time but turns out an even richer brisket so damn tender nobody will complain.
Collards are a typical side skirting any Southern meal including barbecue. It’s chalked full of vitamins and probably what keeps the South alive.
Here’s a little shrimp I wrote, you might wanna eat it, note for note…
Wish we could sell this Guacamole to you but there is no better Guacamole than homemade. This base guacamole supports toast then to wherever you plan on using it, hermmm tacos!
Tend to screw around a lot with smoking pork ribs. The benefit is awesome slightly different dinner from last time. The liability is I have to eat it if it turns south. These ribs turned out Saintly!
My Mamaw used to make scalloped potatoes for breakfast all the time when we’d visit her in New Boston, TX. Granted I hopped them up up a bit with bacon and jalapenos.
Easy Pico de Gallo works great in scrambled eggs, dirty guacamole, fried potatoes, and on a good ole corn tortilla chip
Quick and easy shrimp scampi great over noodles or with a hunk of bread as an appetizer.
Quesadilla comes in many forms from traditional to Tex-Mex. You can add whatever the hell you want chicken, beef, shrimps, veggies, and fish I guess.
If you are a fan of topping off your steak with a pat of butter here’s your next obsession. Very easy and perfect blend using Dawgs Bark.
Baked onion topped with garlic bang. Mr. Rodgers used to make these at the lease thrown on the campfire. Baked onions are a terrific side to any campfire buffet where everybody pick’n. Whether at the camp or home, with a piece of foil we gat ya covered.
It seems I always have to add yum to canned baked beans. This is a synonym to baked beans and easy to flip. If you are an advocate of dry beans do it.
This is a great trick to make a basic corn side into a full flavored masterpiece. It’s not at all like Cornsuello and I’d say just a delicious depending on your mood.
Not a fan of Meatloaf because most of my previous attempts at getting that perfect Meatloaf as a child that was full of seasoned burps either didn’t hit or I forgot to note. Not this time Meatloaf…
This potato salad was a side dish from my last smoked brisked that I thought it needed a home. Thankfully, I kept notes while making it because it’s a Super simple.
Made these with the basics to get a feel of for the texture of what I was trying to achieve. Most notably will they stay a ball when
Quick way to dazzle up breakfast. Not only is it fast, it’s fantastic and easy to scale.
Classic homemade chicken parmigiana pretty easy to knock out. Cheese crust you can feel in the bite of the tender brined chicken. Over a bed of al dente angel hair pasta oh my…
Although the picture isn’t a looker, a forkful of the baked lasagna noodle, provolone topped, combined with the gooey shrimp filling will rope you into a marvelous dinner worth bragging about regardless of looks.